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How to make contracting work for you
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How to make contracting work for you

Posted on 14 September 2018

You’re a contractor looking for your next assignment. Temporary staff tend to be hired through a third party and not by employers directly so to ensure you have access to the best short-term roles you will need to team up with a recruiter and build a relationship of clear communication and trust. So, what’s the best approach to make sure you secure your perfect contracting role?

We’ve outlined a few key points to keep in mind when working with a recruitment agency to help guide you through the stresses of job seeking.

Be honest.

This is definitely the best policy. Keep your recruiter informed of where you are with any other job processes or if you’re interested in other opportunities. Also, make sure all the details on your resume are accurate such as dates and employment history. Inconsistencies that are picked up don’t do you any favours and put you at risk of not put forward for future vacancies.

Be responsive.

Once you have registered with an agency, communication is a two-way street, so keep the lines open and act quickly. If you’ve missed a call from your recruiter, respond as soon as you can as the world of contracting is fast-paced and employers are often needing to fill the role at short notice.

It can be tempting to sign up to multiple agencies so you have more exposure to different roles available. However, most temp assignments are short-term and fielding calls from multiple recruiters at once can cause you more headaches than benefits. We recommend picking one or two agencies that you trust and sticking with them!

Tip: You should always be interview ready when working with an agency as your recruiter may not put you forward for roles if they think you are unprepared.

Be open-minded.

Keep an open mind about roles, especially if you’re in Australia on a 457 Visa. You never know what kind of opportunities will present themselves now or down the line if you accept a short-term booking.

If you find yourself sitting on the fence, do your own research into the company, look into the job description properly and be informed before you commit to an assignment. It reflects badly on yourself (and your recruiter) if you drop out of a role after a few weeks because it doesn’t meet your expectations. No one wants to burn bridges!

If you decide to go for a role and are successful, commit to doing a good job and receive great feedback so the company are more inclined to hire you again, and your recruiter will be excited to put you forward for other roles.

And finally, have fun!

Enjoy each role and make the most of your time with each company. A temporary role will expand your opportunities and contacts, even if the role is not your dream job. It is much easier to get into a company if you have already done a great job during a temporary assignment. Often employers will extend contracts or make the role permanent so make the most of your time there!

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